I. Introduction I (1) 0.43 1. Monkey (2) 4.55 2. Do You Want It? (3) 5.01 3. The Merry Widow (German) (4) 2.45 4. Pianoforte (rendition of "Do You Want It?") (5) 4.16 5. The Climb (6) 2.02 6. New Wave (7) 2.31 II. Introduction II (8) 0.44 1. The Merry Widow (9) 2.43 2. Music Hall (New York) (10) 3.13 3. Geneva Transport Café (11) 2.20 4. German Bread (Dvorak) (12) 2.13 5. Swiss Sector of Pittsburgh (13) 2.51 6. Radio (14) 2.43 Epilogue (15) 0.47